Cross-Border Production and Trade and How It Shapes the Political Economy of the Borderland of Nimroz
Today marks the launch of AREU’s latest paper: Catapults, Pickups and Tankers: Cross-Border Production and Trade and How It Shapes the Political Economy of the Borderland of Nimroz by Dr David Mansfield.
Building on the findings of the previous report Mules, Pick-ups and Container Traffic, this working paper investigates the development of Nimroz as a major cross-border trading hub, the reasons for its emergence, and how different factors, including physical terrain, geopolitical interests, infrastructural investments, violence and formal and informal regulatory regimes have impacted both on the trading routes of particular commodities, and who has extracted rent from them.
The paper is part of the global research project “Drugs and (dis)Order, with this phase being designed and led by Alcis long term partner David Mansfield with the Organisation for Sustainable Development and Research. Alcis, once again, provided the satellite imagery and analysis of the findings.
You can read the full report here