We’re proud to announce that we’ve been selected as one of the top 100 geospatial companies in GeoAwesome’s list for 2025. This means that we have achieved a (Geo)Awesome streak of four years, as we’ve been included in this list since 2022.
Since 2011, GeoAwesome has been a hub for all things geospatial. Founded by passionate, geospatial professionals, it connects the community through engaging articles, podcasts, and industry events. Best of all, it shines a spotlight on the top players in the field with its prestigious annual Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies list.

How We’ve Made an Impact in the Last Year
The number of people needing urgent humanitarian aid grows every year, and so there’s an increased need to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our recent projects address critical issues like disaster response, agricultural resilience, and the effects of political and economic instability in conflict countries like Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other regions.
In 2024, we launched a famine early warning system to identify at-risk communities suffering from food insecurity in Afghanistan. Additionally, we were involved with Afghan-focused USAID projects, like the de-silting of the Char Dara Canal and supporting women in agriculture.
We’ve continued to provide updated agricultural data for Afghanistan. For example, our recent data findings show there was a significant 20% decline (in 2023–2024) in Afghanistan's active agricultural areas.
Additionally, we have revisited some of our projects from past years, like our research into the Afghan earthquakes of 2023. Combining new products with the untold story, we created a StoryMap to share with others interested in disaster risk management, and how to use GIS in cases of emergency.

How Do We Contribute to the Geospatial Community?
In 2024, we attended and presented at key conferences like Humanitarian Network and Partnerships Week (HNPW), International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Earth Observation for Africa, GeoBusiness, Esri User Conference and SatSummit.
We make a continued effort to present at conferences, to expand our presence in the GIS community and encourage a focus on using GIS for sustainable development.

In our field of work, it can be difficult to communicate our products and methodologies to those outside of the geospatial community. One way to combat this, and to increase awareness of the important issues we work to rectify, is the creation of StoryMaps. Using ArcGIS StoryMaps, we take products from recent projects and put them into context so that we can share our methodologies and practices more inclusively.
We don’t let our StoryMaps gather dust, as we promote them on our social media channels and enter them into StoryMap competitions. Last year, we created a StoryMap[1] on AVCP’s Char Dara Canal project. It showcased how our geospatial analysis provided location-based data to support local agricultural resilience. This data helped to plan the canal’s rehabilitation, ultimately restoring water flow to farms.
In 2024, the UN World Data Forum (UNWDF) launched its first ArcGIS StoryMap competition with Esri. The categories for the competition revolved around sustainability themes like health, environment, and infrastructure. We entered the category: ‘Building Trust, Protection, and Ethics in Data.’ Shortly after, we were congratulated because our StoryMap, AVCP Canal Rehabilitation, won first place in its category.

While our team works hard to expand understandings of the world around us, we also like to take part in fun challenges. We make it a tradition to participate in the 30-Day Map Challenge every November. It’s a real team effort, with our tech team creating works of geo art, and the marketing team sharing them with the rest of the community!
Our primary focus revolves around how we can use data to help others, but activities like the 30 Day Map Challenge helps to strengthen our teamwork, and to encourage creativity.

Final Words
While our projects and products win us awards and acknowledgements, our (Geo)Awesome team of professionals is why we rank among the Top 100 Geospatial Companies.
The year ahead is looking to bring challenges, with international politics disrupting how we provide data to help others. However, we remain hopeful, and we look forward to sharing more about the exciting opportunities waiting for us in 2025.